Playcrafting is a global gaming community with a focus on creating custom video games, hosting exclusive events and classes, and offering branded partnerships to create the next wave of user-generated games. We were tasked with a brand redesign including recreating their website and crafting a new visual brand identity.
The digital redesign led by a team at Wethos included building a new website and creating updated branding. The goal was to better define (through messaging and visuals) what Playcrafting did so well-- custom games made by a talented community of nationwide developers. Because of the strong community component and established recognition within the gaming industry, the brand became more of an evolution than a complete overhaul.
A straightforward, simple design that guided each audience to where they wanted to go was crucial to Playcrafting. We crafted a website that allowed them to consistently update events, classes and customer stories as well as regularly upkeep a blog that showcased the community and latest happenings.
Our team utilized Playcrafting’s solid brand ethos through both the brand assets and website design to make it clear to each audience the value of working with Playcrafting. We also created a design that allows them to consistently share their community in the future so the brand can continue to build upon itself.